a CHILIGROUP company

Why is outsourcing outbound a good idea?​

Outsourcing: Reduce cost, risk and deal velocity

In-house teams lose due to comparative advantage and economy of scale. 

Higher level technology ​
Lower cost of infrastructure​
Skilled experts at reduced cost​
No recruitment, training or management downtime

Outbound: The path to consistent sales

Inbound has its ups and downs. It can’t be fully trusted.​

Achieve predictability ​
Confidently allocate resources​
Let your sales teams specialize​
Meet decision-makers who benefit from your offerings


What do Sales Development Representatives need to succed?

  • Prostecting
  • Enrich contacts using API
  • Design and test emails, even manually
  • 40-60 calls per day
  • Follow ups
  • Reports

1. Direct uploads

No data tool is perfect

2. Bad targeting

Only 4-5 people will be relevant

3. Spamming

Domain + Branding issues

4. Too much personalization

Feels fake = Bad results

5. Generalized messaging

Different people, different priorities

6. Over saturated messaging

Who reads that?

7. Wrong language

Seniority+ Technical slang

Building an outbound assembly line in-house

The perfect prospect is out there,
and we know where they hide

can we

Data Center

In-House Infrastructure Planed for Scalability

Cerifited Engineers Tech Support 24/7/365

50 connections with +500 Gbps Local IP AWS and Google

Our data tem Account Based Marketing on steroids

Managing enterprise marketing operations ​

Executing Account Based Marketing ​​

Implementing Prospect Based Marketing​

Utilizing the best data tools

Artificial Intelligence complimented targeting​

Smart script and email personalization

Customized messaging specific to Buyer Personas​

Our Managers + Sales Development Representatives

In the most relevant industries

SaaS, Hospitality, Financial, Logistics…

Building outbound scripts

Specialized in enterprise deals​…​

Working name-brands with image requirements​

Constant supervision and revision​​

The most advanced outbound outreach tools

AI supported message testing​

Brand protection
Guaranteed results by contract

Our Process:
Best Practices


List Generation *

2,000 Contacts from 500 Companies

Set-up per campaign

Monthly fee

3 Month Contract per month

6 Month Contract

9 Month Contract

12 Month Contract

No set-up Fee

Marketing Qualified Leads * ​

16 Qualified Meetings 
per month

Set-up per campaign​​

Monthly fee​

3 Month Contract per month

6  Month Contract

9  Month Contract

12 Month Contract

No Set-up fee

Sales​ Qualified Meetings * ​

8 Qualified Meetings 
per month

Set-up per campaign​​

Monthly fee​

3 Month Contract per month

6  Month Contract

9  Month Contract

12 Month Contract

No Set-up fee

Unlock your company’s sales potential


Account Based Marketing: ​

Business marketing strategy that concentrates resources on a set of target accounts within a market

Account Executive: ​

A business executive who manages the interests of a particular client

Boolean Search: ​

Structured search process that allows the user to insert words or phrases such as AND, OR, NOT to limit, broaden and define the search results

Buyer Persona: ​

A detailed description of someone who represents your target audience

Data Cleaning: ​

The process of removing any company or prospect that is not part of the Ideal Customer Profile or Ideal Customer Title from a list

Ideal Customer Title: ​

Description of the perfect title of a customer you want to target for your business

Ideal Customer Profile: ​

Defines the firmographic, environmental and behavioral attributes of accounts that are expected to become a company’s most valuable customers

Inbound Sales: ​

Prospect reaches out to your business to ask about a product or service

Marketing Qualified Lead: ​

A lead who has indicated interest in what a brand has to offer based on marketing efforts or is otherwise more likely to become a customer than other leads

Name-Brands: ​

Company is well-known and usually has higher standards in regards to image

Outbound Sales: 

Sales rep reaches out to a potential customer who has not yet expressed direct interest in a product or service​


Potential influencer or decision maker

Prospect Based Marketing: 

Business marketing strategy that concentrates resources on a set of target titles within a market​

Sales Development Representative: 

An individual who focuses on prospecting, moving and qualifying leads through the sales pipeline and then delivers those leads to individuals who are responsible for closing sales.​

Sales Qualified Lead: 

A lead your sales team has qualified as a potential customer​

Sales Qualified Meeting: 

When the prospect agrees to continue the sales process by exploring your company’s products and services in detail during a meeting​

Target Addressable Market: 

The overall revenue opportunity that is available for a product or service if 100% market share is achieved​